Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So DH completed the London Marathon last Sunday. What a brilliant atmosphere and event to be involved in. I am so proud of him for doing it, even with an injury. Anyway, as a result of this I really want to get out running again. It has been about 5 years (pre-children) so I have no idea how fit I am and how fast/long I will be able to run for. My friend RG and I are going out this evening to have a wee go. She is planning a route of about 3 miles! I reckon I will be able to walk most of this with a few spurts of running in between. I am really excited about donning the trainers again and I really hope I can stick to it. There's a Race for Life at Stormont at the end of May so I think we will enter that. Will post later how I get on.....

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